Devils Triangle Interesting Sites
The Devils Triangle, just north of Oak Ridge (TN) in the mountains of the Cumberland Plateau, is made up of some of the most unusual two lane twisty roads in eastern Tennessee.The adventure ranges from the bucolic rural Tennessee scenery to a view of Brushy Mountain State Prison from gentle country road sweepers to gnarly steep switchbacks; from serene straights to Dragon like twisties with guard rails of death; from gentle pull-offs to three foot deep rock strewn gullies just inches from the pavement; from peaceful farmsteads to sections of rutted roadway right out of a horror movie.
There is a lot to see when touring the Devils Triangle and nearby area. We found some interesting architecture, unique sights, old cemeteries and even some roadside art.
Oliver Springs is home to Diversified Product Inspections (DPI) which provide forensic investigation of product failures, claiming the largest independent database of product failures in the world. Basically, they provide insurance companies investigations for product failures. For some reason, they have an bizarre art collection on their lawn which depict product failures. Must be an interesting place to work!!